Untitled VIII
Maya Williamanderson
Maya Anderson. A student of Susquehanna University, Creative Writing, Studio Art and Africana Studies minors. A Black femme avante garde writer and artist driven by insatiable curiosity and a seeker of knowledge. A warrior of authenticity fighting to be heard on their creative journey. They find inspiration from the unseen and erased sections in mainstream archives: Black women, whom most never heard of; tribes, minkisi fetishes, genogroups, and cultures lost to colonialism; and the overlooked side of society. They are also interested in intersectionality, critical race theory, and applicating them into the craft to create new wonkadory experiments. Thus, creating a story in their artwork and making a work of art in their writing. Their artistic goal is to disrupt the boundaries of societal constructions by pull from the experiences of people from different cultures and different periods to test the boundaries of what is to be heard or shown.
Issue 15