Issue 4


  • Dear Readers,

    Sanctuary is now in its fourth year of life. In the beginning, it started as a magazine open only to fantasy and science fiction, the genres that are brought to mind most easily when one thinks of “speculative fiction.” But in the end, all fiction is truly speculative, so we wanted to open up the bounds of Sanctuary to encompass anything non-realism, so that we would accept any work that would normally not find a home merely because of its genre. Last year we succeeded in widening this magazine’s horizon, and this year we have set out simply to keep it up.

    We have begun to reap the rewards. In the last issue, we had set out to not only increase the variety of our accepted submissions, but our readership and our recognition, as well. This year, in addition to the editors and “shadows” that were part of our staff previously, we were able to add assistant editors as our staff itself expanded. It is a slow process, but it is nice to see that the wheel is, in fact, turning.

    We thank you for picking up a copy of Sanctuary. Enjoy your time here.

    Best Regards,

    ~Will Conway and Krystle Morgan

    Sanctuary Editors

  • Editors

    Will Conway, Krystle Morgan

    Assistant Editors

    Chantal Gadoury, Sarah Wisneiski


    Gabbie Robbins, Rachel Woodring

    Graphic Design/Layout

    Will Conway, Krystle Morgan, Linda Kimble

    Reading Boards

    Madie Coe, Will Conway, Chantal Gadoury, Linda Kimble, Spencer Koelle, Krystle Morgan, Gabbie Robbins, Kate Smith, Sarah Wisneiski, Rachel Woodring


    Jonathon Lyons


Issue 5 (2011)


Issue 3 (2009)